sasori 發表於 6-10-2009 18:29:12

download唔到java =.=

我download java 諗住玩rs 果時,佢load緊的時候出左樣咁o既野,搞到download唔到,我家下用緊xp,之前用vista果時就download到 =.=

Hk_Alexander 發表於 6-10-2009 18:36:23

最重要就係..你係邊度 Download 個 java 先=.="


aclet0821 發表於 6-10-2009 18:52:59

haha Sasori downloaded a virus? XD
Make sure you get the software from the right official website...
it should work gea =]

sasori 發表於 6-10-2009 19:08:06

when it is processing
it said " 25099 error "Unzipping core file failed"
and it doesn't work

Lazy基" 發表於 6-10-2009 19:21:07

corolla 發表於 2-7-2010 15:48:51

me too, i can't D/L
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